Alexander Hauptman
Transgender Services Manager
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Alexander Hauptman is the Transgender Services Manager at OUTMemphis. Alex oversees all of the transgender programming at OUTMemphis which includes supporting the various transgender and GNC groups, facilitating the Trans ID Workshop supporting transgender community members in achieving documentation changes, providing members with HIV testing and PrEP/PEP navigation, and other sexual health and wellness services. Alex will also plan trans related community events for transgender/GNC celebrations and observations such as Trans Day of Visibility and Transgender Day of Remembrance. Other parts of his duties include maintaining the Trans Best of Memphis, community advocacy, and engaging with the community to improve the safety and resource needs of the transgender and GNC populations of Memphis.
Alex moved from New York after having spent much of his teenage and adult years volunteering within the LGBTQ+ community. Having benefited from the safety and support of an LGBTQ+ youth community center as a newly out trans teen; he recognizes the importance of community members having access to peer support and safe spaces. At his former youth center, he was also part of a sexual health peer education team, served as chair of the youth steering committee, sat on the board of directors, and worked on fundraisers for the center. As an adult Alex spent much of his free time volunteering as a facilitator for an LGBTQ+ youth group and working to create more welcoming spaces for trans and GNC folks in his community through guest speaking, and intentionally engaging with community members and peers to improve understanding of the challenges facing the transgender/GNC community.
Alex decided to join the OUTMemphis team because he was excited about the work they were already doing and wanted to be part of a motivated, driven team working hard to empower the local LGBTQ+ community to live their healthiest and best life. In a world that still actively puts up so many obstacles for marginalized communities; it is a crucial time to be working to break down barriers and lift each other up.
Contact: [email protected]