At OUTMemphis, we are celebrating Black History Month with a focus on African American LGBTQ community leaders. We kicked off the month by honoring local LGBTQ heroes and sheroes of color on our facebook page, and every week we will be highlighting an African American community member whose work has impacted the lives of same-gender loving and transgender communities of color nationwide.
Spotlight: E. Denise Simmons
E. Denise Simmons was the first black lesbian Mayor in the United States, and the first African American woman to serve as Mayor in the state of Massachusetts. Simmons is a Cambridge, MA native, and has played many roles in the city: a local business owner (Cambridgeport Insurance Agency), a non-profit Executive Director (Civic Unity Committee), a member of the Cambridge School Committee (school board), a city councilwoman, and a mayor. In every instance, Simmons used her position to help the citizens of Cambridge—especially those disenfranchised and disconnected from local political advocacy—more actively participate in public institutions and local government.
Learn more about E. Denise Simmons: WKNO, PRIDE.com, Wikipedia