With the Metamorphosis Project Youth Emergency Center almost finished, it’s time to start putting the finishing touches on!

On Saturday, February 22 (9:00a-1:00p) & Sunday, February 23 (1:00p-5:00p), we will be meeting at 2055 Southern Ave. to paint the interior rooms of the new building. Saturday will consist mainly of taping off, cutting in the edges, and priming the walls. Sunday will consist mainly of putting color on the walls and cleaning up the painting mess. Both days, food and beverages will be provided as a way of saying thank you!

We will also provide all painting materials, so there is no need for volunteers to bring items. Please wear clothing that is comfortable and can get messy. Every volunteer will be asked to sign a liability waiver and an optional photo release form at the site.

If you’re interested in being a part of this project, we ask that each individual fill out THIS FORM. This form will allow us to contact you closer to the date, will provide more information on the event,  and will also allow you to sign up for the specific shifts with which you can help. For more information please contact volunteers@outmemphis.org.

We hope to see you there!