Next Week at the Center


  • Monday, 8/6:
    • HIV testing, 6:00p-9:00p: Need an HIV test? Come to OUTMemphis and get a free, rapid, oral swab HIV test. No blood and your results will be ready in 20 minutes. For more information, email Martavius Hampton, Sexual Health Program Manager.
    • Perpetual Transition, 6:00p-7:30p: Perpetual Transition is a support and social group for transgender people in the Memphis metropolitan area that has been meeting since 2005. Perpetual Transition is safe and confidential, and is open to transgender people of any variety. For more information email Kayla Gore, Transgender Services Specialist.
  • Tuesday, 8/7:
    • Mid-South Pride Meeting, 7:00p-8:00p: This is the monthly planning meeting for Mid-South Pride. Click here for more information
  • Wednesday, 8/8:
    • HIV testing, 6:00p-9:00p: Need an HIV test? Come to OUTMemphis and get a free, rapid, oral swab HIV test. No blood and your results will be ready in 20 minutes. For more information, email Martavius Hampton, Sexual Health Program Director.
    • Meristem Women’s Book Club, 7:00p-9:00p: The purpose of the book club is to read and explore written works by women and LGBT authors, and to foster a community of support with like-minded women. Membership is open to women (LBT and straight-identified) in the Memphis area who want to read and discuss books by women and LGBT authors. For more information, check out our website or contact us.
  • Thursday, 8/9:
    • Tai Chi for Health Classes for LGBTQ Seniors, 11:00a-12:00p: Tai Chi  is low impact exercise perfect for maintaining and increasing flexibility. Maxine Strawder, a certified Tai Chi for Health instructor, will guide participants through Tai Chi for Health exercises. Classes will continue, so check out our facebook event or email us for additional days and times.
    • Seeking Serenity, 5:30p-6:30p: Seeking Serenity is an LGBT-affirming support group for the family, friends, and partners of addicts. For more information contact the organizer.
    • Bold and Beautiful 7:30p-9:30p: This is a weekly social supportive group for Transgender women of color. For more information contact Kayla Gore, Transgender Services Specialist.
  • Friday, 8/10:
    • Delta TransMasculine 5:30p-6:30p: DTM is a group for trans men and transmasculine individuals. For more information, contact Kayla Gore, Transgender Services Specialist.
    • GenQ, 7:00p-9:00p: Generation Queer, or GenQ, is a social group for 18-25 year old LGBTQ and Allied young adults. Contact us for more information.