Partner Spotlight: Action for Hope and Healing: Responses to Community Violence

OUTMemphis will be joining several other agencies and organizations from the Memphis area for this event, a response to community violence in Memphis. Our very own Director of Programs, Elokin Capece, will be sitting on a panel during this event, along with other distinguished guests, to discuss the problem of community violence and seeking ways to combat it.
This event is being hosted by Le Bonheur Hospital, and will be held Saturday, April 6th from 9:00a to 12:00p. The location is Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital – Auditorium 130 North Manassas St. Memphis, TN 38103.
From the Le Bonheur Event page:
“Community violence leads to serious injury and death, affecting every industry and every citizen in profound ways. Please join us, Saturday, April 6, in the Le Bonheur Auditorium to find out more about how we can take action!
This summit will feature panel discussions facilitated by Otis Sanford of the Daily Memphian and the Hardin Chair of Excellence in Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Memphis and Regina Walker, President/CEO or R.D. Walker & Associatesand Retired Senior Vice President of United Way of the Mid-South.
Participating organizations include: ACE Awareness Foundation, Bridges, Latino Memphis, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis Area Women’s Council, Memphis Says No More, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Out Memphis, Regional One Health, Shelby County Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center, Shelby County Health Department, TN Suicide Prevention Network, University of Memphis, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Victims to Victory”