Light Up the Night for Peace is a vigil being held by Mom’s Demand Action in conjunction with First Congregational Church to remember all of the victims of gun violence in Memphis in 2018 by name. There will be a special focus on the 6th anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
The vigil will begin at 5:15PM on Thursday, December 13th in the sanctuary at First Congregational Church, located at 1000 South Cooper (just a few blocks down the street from OUTMemphis). OUTMemphis Executive Director, Jonathan Ealy, will be one of the community speakers. Join us as we pause, grieve, and then refocus on making our country and city safer through commonsense gun reform.
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a national, grassroots, non-partisan gun violence prevention organization made up of American moms, dads, and supporters who believe that it is possible to support the Second Amendment while doing more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. Together with Everytown for Gun Safety and Mayors Against Illegal Guns they have over 3.5 million members and are growing. Their goal is to save lives and change the culture of gun violence which kills over 96 Americans per day.
If you would like to attend this vigil, please visit the Facebook event for more information.