This Weekend at the Center
- Friday, 8/10
- Delta TransMasculine 5:30p-6:30p: DTM is a group for trans men and transmasculine individuals. For more information, contact Kayla Gore, Transgender Services Specialist.
- GenQ, 7:00p-9:00p: Generation Queer, or GenQ, is a social group for 18-25 year old LGBTQ and Allied young adults. Contact us for more information.
- Saturday, 8/11
- PRYSM, 4:00p-6:00p: PRYSM is a social supportive group for LGBTQ and Allied teens ages 13-17 years old. For more information, contact us.
- Sunday, 8/12
- Seniors OUT for Coffee, 11:30a-3:00p: Join LGBTQ Seniors for Coffee & Conversation on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 11:30a-3:00p at OUTMemphis! For more info, check out the facebook event or email Senior Services at OUTMemphis.
- FU;BU 4:00p-6:00p: FU;BU (For Us; By Us) is a social/support group designed for same gender loving (SGL) men of color (MOC). FU;BU aims to build positive relationships with self and community through great conversations all while getting to know new faces! For more information about FU;BU click here.