Here is a breakdown of what’s happening at the center this week.
If you’d like to stay current on the goings-on at OUTMemphis, sign up for our Weekly What’s Happening Newsletter and check out our Calendars for a schedule of upcoming events.
MON 2/17
HIV Testing
Knowing your status is the first step in reclaiming your sexual health, which is why OUTMemphis offers free HIV testing every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:00p-9:00p, no appointment needed!
The test is free, quick, and confidential. The test takes around 20 minutes and includes a confidential sexual health counseling session with one of our highly trained testing staff.
For more information visit our website, Facebook event page, or email us.

Perpetual Transition
Perpetual Transition is our core Transgender Services peer-led community group, meeting continuously since 2005. PT is a safe and welcoming space for transgender folks of any flavor, identity, expression, or gender to meet and socialize with other like-minded individuals.
PT is open to anyone who identifies as transgender or is questioning, and is a safe and confidential space to ask questions, meet other people, and form bonds with the Memphis transgender community.
For more information, email us or visit the Facebook event page.

Trans ID Workshop
The Trans ID Workshop is designed to help transgender individuals navigate the legal documentation and processes of transitioning, including name change, gender markers, and other such paperwork. Where applicable, blank documents and applications will be provided as part of the workshop. See the web page for Frequently Asked Questions.

TUE 2/18
Senior Services Committee
This peer-led committee meets every month to decide Senior Services decisions, create and plan events, and to curate the Senior Services programs at OUTMemphis to fit the needs of the community.
This committee meeting is closed to members only, but if you are interested in joining this committee, send us an email.

WED 2/19
HIV Testing
Knowing your status is the first step in reclaiming your sexual health, which is why OUTMemphis offers free HIV testing every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:00p-9:00p, no appointment needed!
The test is free, quick, and confidential. The test takes around 20 minutes and includes a confidential sexual health counseling session with one of our highly trained testing staff.
For more information visit our website, Facebook event page, or email us.

Sexual Health Committee
This peer-led committee meets twice-monthly to decide Sexual Health Services decisions, create and plan events, and to curate the Sexual Health programs at OUTMemphis to fit the needs of the community.
This committee meeting is closed to members only, but if you are interested in joining this committee, send an email to Martavius Hampton, Senior Director of Health and Evaluation.

THU 2/20
Seeking Serenity
Seeking Serenity is a peer-led community support group for LGBTQ friends and family of people in recovery for alcohol.
Seeking Serenity provides a weekly session for LGBTQ community members who support are associated with problem drinkers to convene for community, discussion, and social support from like-minded people in similar situations. While allies are welcome, Seeking Serenity is centered and gives precedent to the lives and experience of LGBTQ people.
Join us for this weekly, confidential group. For more information, check out our website, Facebook event page, or email us.

Trans Committee Meeting
This is the first meeting of a program committee for transgender services at OUTMemphis. We invite Trans/GNC community members of the Mid-South to join us to help provide assistance, feedback and input in planning events as well as to help in event outreach and promotion.
This initial meeting will be held at OUTMemphis (892 S Cooper) with the hope that this committee will meet 1-2 times per month.
OUTMemphis wants to create trans-centered events that are accessible and representative of ALL of our community members. We want our events to celebrate and highlight the broad spectrum of amazing people in our community. Therefore, we are inviting Trans/GNC identified community members who are committed to helping plan trans-centered community events.
If you’re a Trans/GNC community member and have interest in attending this first meeting, please RSVP using this form.

HOPE LGBTQ+ Spirituality Group
Join us for our first ever meeting of the HOPE (Helping Others Prevail Effectively) LGBTQ+ Spirituality Group. HOPE’s mission is to approach spirituality in a way that allows everyone to be free in experiencing a safe haven conducive to teaching, learning and discussing spiritual views.
HOPE will meet every Thursday night at 7:00p at OUTMemphis.
For more information, email us.

Pride & Principles
Pride & Principles is an Alcoholics Anonymous group focused on the LGBTQ+ community. This group meets every Thursday night at 6:30p at OUTMemphis (892 Cooper Street, Memphis, TN 38104).
Each meeting is a closed discussion meeting, except for the last Thursday of the month, which is an open speaker meeting and birthday celebration.
For more information, email us.

FRI 2/21
Delta Trans Masculine
Delta Trans Masculine is a peer-led community social group for trans and gender non-conforming folks who identify more on the masculine side of the spectrum. This is a safe place for transmasculine folks to be authentically themselves around like-minded people who share similar identities. This group is open to friends, family, partners, spouses, and supportive allies as well.
For more information, visit our website, email us, or visit the Facebook event page.

GenQ is our group for LGBTQ and Allied folks ages 18-25. This group meets once per week, and is a safe, closed environment for connection, discussion, and most importantly fun!
Each week, this group meets at OUTMemphis (892 S Cooper), during which time they engage in snacks and drinks, fun planned activities, and discussion, all with peers who understand their experience. This group is peer-led (like most groups at OUTMemphis), meaning that the facilitators of GenQ are also LGBTQ or Allied and 18-25.
This group, being a more mature age group than our other youth services, has a lot more freedom of activity, and will occasionally plan to do non-traditional things such as off-site meetings and activities. These will be discussed beforehand and approved by the group. This group also participates in our Life Hack program, a series of classes aimed at building skills and learning things necessary to being a productive member of society. This includes things like cooking classes, financial planning, anger management, interviewing skills, and many others.
To see Frequently Asked Questions about GenQ, click here.
For more information, visit our website, Facebook event page, or email us.

4th Annual iMatter Extravaganza
The Headliners Memphis is a group of LGBTQ+ community members, stakeholders, gatekeepers, and allies who plan events for us by us to empower, entertain, and inform the Memphis and surrounding areas.
On Friday Feb. 21st they will be hosing their fourth annual ball called the iMatter Extravaganza. This year’s theme is “Garden of Eden!” OUTMemphis will be sponsoring one of the categories from the ball so come see what we have planned!
The categories are:
?Femme Figure-(Bring Your Creativity)
?Sex Siren -Male and Femme/ or Duo (Forbidden Fruit/Adam and Eve)
?Vogue-OTA (Animal Instinct)
?Runway- OTA (American)- Floral
?Femme Face (All White)
?Male Face(All White)
?School Boy Realness (Apple Prop/Bring HIV/PrEP/PEP facts)
?Thug Realness (Wear Red)
?Butch Queen in Pumps
?Drag Realness (Wear Yellow)

SAT 2/22
PRYSM is our group for LGBTQ and Allied youth ages 13-17. This group meets once per week, and is a safe, closed environment for connection, discussion, and most importantly fun!
Each week, this group meets at OUTMemphis (892 S Cooper), during which time they engage in snacks and drinks, fun planned activities, and discussion, all with peers who understand their experience. Check out the web page for Frequently Asked Questions.
For more information, email us or check out the Facebook event page.

SUN 2/23
We Are Family at the Children’s Museum of Memphis
Join We Are Family at the The Children’s Museum of Memphis on Sunday, February 23rd 12:00p-3:00p!
To attend this event, we ask that you fill out this form in order to RSVP for your family group.
Tickets for this event are $8.50 per person (each adult and child over 2 must have a ticket, children 2 and under gain free admission), which includes a reduced-cost admission to the museum and lunch provided by OUTMemphis. Because of the reduced price, CMOM membership packages may not be applied to this ticket.
Tickets need to be purchased prior to the event. To purchase tickets for this event, click here.
There are limited financial sponsorships available for those families who may not be able to afford tickets. These sponsorships are first come, first serve. If you would like to talk about receiving a sponsorship, please email youth@outmemphis.org.
For more information, please visit the Facebook Event Page or email us.

FU;BU (For Us; By Us)
FU;BU is a peer-led community social group for same-gender loving (SGL) men of color. The primary goal of FU;BU is to foster a safe, creative, and positive space for SGL men of color.
FU;BU aims to build positive relationships with self and community through great conversation, while providing a forum for community building and socializing.
For more information, visit our web page, Facebook event page, or email us.

Gay Ballet
Ballet Memphis is currently showing their Winter Mix 2019-20, and they want you to come see it! In a partnership with OUTMemphis, Ballet Memphis is offering a code for a reduced price ticket to the showing on Sunday, February 23rd.
Use the code “FRIEND” to get your discount while ordering your tickets. See the Facebook Event for more info.

MON 2/24
HIV Testing
Knowing your status is the first step in reclaiming your sexual health, which is why OUTMemphis offers free HIV testing every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:00p-9:00p, no appointment needed!
The test is free, quick, and confidential. The test takes around 20 minutes and includes a confidential sexual health counseling session with one of our highly trained testing staff.
For more information visit our website, Facebook event page, or email us.

Perpetual Transition
Perpetual Transition is our core Transgender Services peer-led community group, meeting continuously since 2005. PT is a safe and welcoming space for transgender folks of any flavor, identity, expression, or gender to meet and socialize with other like-minded individuals.
PT is open to anyone who identifies as transgender or is questioning, and is a safe and confidential space to ask questions, meet other people, and form bonds with the Memphis transgender community.
For more information, email us or visit the Facebook event page.